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Thursday, July 8, 2010


I was online the other day and and saw the status update of one of my friends. I don't remember the exact words but the message was something on the lines of:

"The friends that you make, are they just for that class? Or are they friends for a lifetime?"

This got me thinking, as a lot of things do.

The question here is not that simple and the answer is not black or white. I believe that the types of friends you make totally depends on yourself. When you make a friend, they do not fall straight into a certain category, they work their way there. Our friends are not rocks, they are human beings who will respond to your every action.

"Hey Rock, wanna hang out?"


(Rocks only hang out with other rocks)

Like plants, friendships need to be nurtured. If you do not water a plant it will become a weed. If you don't take care of a friendship it will not last long. Like everything in the world, friendship can also decay.

Friendships with others are also not one sided affairs. A one sided friendship is like an arm with only the bicep. Sure, you can flex but without the triceps, the bicep is going to get tired.You can not expect others to always initiate things, they will get sick of that s**t. To receive, you must give, push and pull.

Another important thing is to not reject friends all the time. People hang out with you because they want to. If there are always excuses and "I can't make it", people will stop calling. Nobody likes being rejected, even by a friend.

The way that a friendship turns out due to how you have treated it. You choose the friends you make and who you remain friends with. There needs to be effort.


  1. Correction: I might add that any plant that doesn't get watered simply dies. Unless it's a cactus. Or unless it rains. Whether or not it is a weed is actually merely a matter of opinion, not a matter of how much water it gets.

    Analogies aside, I totally agree.

    Btw, it's Isabelle.
