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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Girl on the street and MCU

Usually as I walk down St. George there are not many things that stop me in my path. I'll see a nice flower and be like 'Oh nice' or see a dude with a bad-ass beard and be like 'Oh nice'. Today while walking with Alastair I saw something that made me go 'Oh...'

Just 'Oh...'

As we came around the corner of Robarts, two girls appeared. One of them was normal, quite healthy looking, we payed her no attention. The other girl really shocked us.

From the first glance you could tell she suffered from anorexia nervosa. She looked like a walking skeleton, as if the slightest breeze would blow her away, leaving her floating around in the sky.

I couldn't help but look at this girl. To learn about the disorder and seeing it in text books is one thing. Even pictures on the internet don't really make me flinch. However, seeing this in real life had a profound effect and I felt very disturbed. What I felt was part sympathy and part fear, probably because it was something I just was not used to.

Obviously, staring is not polite, but I couldn't help it. I realized that I had looked for too long as our gazes connected. It was really embarrassing. I looked away as fast as I could, but the damage had probably already been done. It must be tough to deal with the disorder and having some random Asian guy stare at you in the street doesn't help at all.

I wanted to say sorry, but I was too embarrassed.

I hope that this girl can beat her eating disorder and continue to live a healthy life.

Mandatory Carlos Update (MCU): I come home to find Carlos on the couch in his boxers watching the TV. While drinking booze. This is quite a normal thing. However, the show he was watching just didn't seem like a 'Carlos' show.

Sports, news, movies or science shows are the usual things that Carlos views on TV. I assume that he does this to increase his already large amount of facts, which he uses to lecture me. Especially when I don't want to hear it.

Today, Carlos was watching a show on sexual education. Not the regular type - where some monotone person announces to a diagram:

"When a man and a woman love each other very much, the man inserts his..."

It was more like a soap opera, where some girls who looked like they were 12 stole the Kama Sutra from their neighbors house. They then go on an adventure of finding out about sex.

I looked at Carlos as the following scene played.

Girl: "Sex sounds disgusting mom"
Mom: "Well, you can feel like that now, but when you feel differently you have to tell me, ok?"
Girl: "When was your first time mom?"
Mom: "Oh, I don't know, 20?"
Girl: "Was it with dad?"
Mom: ""

I've never seen Carlos so focused.

1 comment:

  1. By focused did you mean asleep? Do your research better.
